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Small but Mighty

by Michael Thomas Walker, Producer

We gathered on April 29 at Mile Square Theatre in Hoboken to present a reading of Caridad Svich's The Way of Water.  Though the audience was small, the words that were spoken were mighty.  The actors, all Rutgers students, gave great performances.  All involved, Landon Woodsen, Abraham Makany, Lacy J. Dunn, and Blaire Brooks under the direction of Melissa Firlit, brought the characters to life and at times evoked audible gasps from the audience.  Because Caridad Svich teaches playwriting at Rutgers, we students felt compelled to join in her "scheme" to have her play read world wide in the month of April.  As an added bonus we had David Hughes, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers, join us for talk back after the show.  His insight into the global affects of the BP oil spill were enlightening.  We were scheduled to have twenty minute talk back and ended up staying much later into the evening because of the questions and interest from the audience.  In short, the reading was a huge success and provided a great opportunity for Rutgers students to participate in this world wide event.

The Way of Water by Caridad Svich was read at Mile Square Theatre on April 29th, 2012, directed by Melissa Firlit.